In this video, we focus on an older form of ikkyo by drawing on a few of the points from Daito-ryu’s ippondori technique. More specifically, we lock the arm of the partner to use it as lever towards his shoulder, which allows us to unbalance him without applying excessive pressure on the elbow, nor pushing him backwards.
Video shot by Wil Poma during a seminar held at Le Cercle Christian Tissier (Paris).
[Why this video series?]
Due to the COVID-19 situation, all my classes and summer courses were cancelled this year, so I decided to provide a few simple technical tips to fellow Aikidoka via this series of videos. Hopefully, this will be short lived and I am looking forward to see you again on the tatami very soon!
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11 months ago 00:07:23 3
Jo nage - by Bruno Gonzalez
11 months ago 00:08:21 11
AmigaOS 4.1 FE, Emulator WinUAE, Zorro III(64 MB VRAM), Z3 Fast RAM(1118 MB) Testing 3D Heretic II