🎺🎺 Allen Vizzutti Trumpet Method Book 2 - SCALES 03 (All Harmonic Minor Scales)

Allen Vizzutti Method Book 2 - SCALES 03 (INTERMEDIATE LEVEL SCALES EXERCISE) PLAYLIST: In this study, Vizzutti passes thru all natural minor scales in an easy and comfortable way. After you play-along sometimes with the video and gets precise with it, start increasing the speed slowly and test your memory trying to play without looking at the sheet music. Good luck and have nice trumpet practice days with it. Neste estudo, o Vizzutti passa por todas as escalas menores naturais de maneira fácil e confortável. Depois de tocar algumas vezes com o vídeo e ficar preciso com ele, comece a aumentar a velocidade lentamente e teste sua memória tentando tocar sem olhar a partitura. Boa sorte e tenha bons dias de treino de trompete com isso. Bb TRUMPET ALL HARMONIC MINOR SCALES TODAS AS ESCALAS MENORES HARMONICAS NO TROMPETE SI BEMOL
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