Apistogramma hongsloi protecting eggs! Aggression and territorial defence.

Great news! Apistogramma hongsloi had laid eggs for the first time. And we are waiting to see some Apisto Fry! Right now there is a lot of aggression and territorial defence - like expected. Let us wait and see what will happen next. If you have any comments or tips please let me know in the comments below. 🔔 Subscribe for more videos like this: You can see how the tank was setup here: Tank: 30L (40x25x30cm) Filtration: HBL-501 Substrate: Yokuchi JIBAN SOIL Hardscape: Scenery stone Iron wood Plants: Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan Hemianthus Micranthemoides Heteranthera Zosterifolia Eleocharis Parvula Bacopa Caroliniana Sagittaria Subulata Ammania sp BONSAI rotala Pogostemon Helferi Ludwigia Mini sp. Super Red Hygrophila Pinnatifida Alternanthera Reineckii
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