Naruto #563 Fan Animation: Tsuchikage’s Speech & the Clash with Madara

Spoilers Ahead! Complete Animation by me Jazylh () Please spare a sec click the ’Like’ button if you enjoy it. ...And this time with Voices. Just want to thanks the voice actors for lending out thier talent making the vid that much more Awesome. After the first animation being received so wel I just had to do this one since it’s one of my favourite motivational speeches from the series. Then I later decided to even add the clash between Madara Naruto. Sorry for the watermark this time. It had to be done cause one ’iamabastard16’ stole my previous animation is till date hogging page views subscribers. I just hope you enjoy this one look forward to your responses crits. Again exactly 2 weeks worth of solo effort put into this one together it’s completely animated with Photoshop this time edited in premiere Aftereffects. Also id you want to listen tothe video without the voices it can be
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