60 MIN FULL BODY POWER WORKOUT DB | Knee Friendly | + Weights | Core | Back | Strength | No Jumping
#trainwithkaykay #fullbodypowerworkout
Hey team #everydaywarrior 💪🏻
here I am with a 60 MIN FULL BODY Power Workout DB! This workout will be knee friendly, which means no big jumps, no squats, no lunges again, but not less intense & still very sweaty! 😉💦
I hope you are ready to join me on the mat! 🤍
I grabbed 2x 8 KG for your reference. But make sure to make this workout as intense as it can be for you.
Grab your mat, something to drink and let’s get ready to sweat! 🙏🏻
Win your day - no matter when!💥
Remember: we all are different, so are our levels of fitness. Make every single workout YOUR OWN. It is really important to make sure to maintain a proper form while exercising. Feel free to modify some exercises (such as slowing down, no jumping etc.) or rest some more if you need to. 🙏🏼
▸ warm up & cool down on top
▸ equipment: 2x 8 KG for
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1 week ago 00:06:04 2
Специально к чаепитию для наших дам. Воздушный рулет с очень вкусным кремом. Brazo gitano con crema