37 Days On The #StairMaster Back Fat + Slimmer Legs Results Compilation Video #fitbylena #weightloss

I’m so excited to share how much fat has melted of my back. Sometimes it’s so hard to feel that you’re making progress and yet you’re giving it you’re all. But when I put this video together…I was brought to tears! The StairMaster works! Now that I have increased my time in the machine from 15 minutes to 45 minutes, I know I’ll see even more progress. I know it’s going to be worth it. I just can’t wait to get to day 45 for another update on my back fat and my legs. #weightloss #weightlosscheck #weightlossprogress #weightlossinspo #12330 #12330challenge #12330workout #fitnesstracker #weightlosstracker #weightlossjournal #cardio #treadmill #fyp #30daystairmasterchallenge
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