Society 1 - I Got You [HD]

Directed and Edited by - Matt “The Lord“ Zane Band - Society 1 Song - I Got You Album - The Lonely God Available on iTunes Lord Zane - Vocals Dirt Von Karloff - Bass Preston Nash - Drums Billie Stevens - Guitar Director Of Photography - Williams Evans Camera Assistant - Andrew Fox Clothing by Pingping and Rabbit @ Models PingPing Art Michelle “Miz Raven“ Maynard Raeyana Ross Sarah E Lyrics Feeling kind of dirty as you lye down one the floor Feeling wrecked and filthy like you never felt before Razor blades and candles endless pain no apologies Open mouth dripping lips Begging on your knees Why don’t you come inside the dark room? Come in without your eyes Leave all your thoughts and daddy’s little lies Then you will finally realize I got you
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