【Music】Bass Cannon (ft. Jesse Nowack)

“i divulged my spirit more apparently. invoking my once sleeping powers. i conjured a scythe. to her shock. i spilt her blood with it. shattering the mirror which she had gazed into. i watched her as she clung to her wound in horror. her eyes bore tears of blood. ablaze with the fire that would annihilate a lavish evil. the contrast in her now truly sapphire eyes. was everything. within moments. her floor was stained. to be freed. i needed her to become privy to her aspect. in the midst of her work. the laceration was a curse. an element of the spell. every jeer was a red herring. every taunt was in sadistic satisfaction. she stumbled blindly into the empty town. curiously. i could feel her angst. more strongly than ever. under the great blue sky. beside the silent homes. and now. the wilting flora faded into useless carcasses. shadows began to fade. her angst became despair. believing i was free yet. she raced miserably to the house of mirrors. where i would soon reveal myself. her blood woul
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