Using Moodle Quiz to create language activities - Digital Language Teaching Global Webinar by DC4LT

Workshop 3: Using Moodle Quiz to create language activities Abstract: Moodle LMS, as the official platform used in many universities worldwide, provides endless possibilities to the instructor to create and structure the content of the course. With Moodle Quiz the instructor can create activities either for consolidation or for assessment. However, one could be overwhelmed by the number of templates available and by the various ways each one can be used. Moodle 3.9 offers 16 Question types and in this workshop, we discuss some of these types demonstrating how to create activities for a language class using Moodle Quiz. The aim is to develop the instructors’ skills for using this technology and encouraging in this way the successful technological implementation in a language class. Moodle is an easy-to-use tool whose integration in a language class can only be beneficial for both the learner and the instructor. We explain how to design online activities and Quizzes using the Moodle LMS by presenting a g
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