There are 5 major schools of persuasion in Islam. These may be called various schools of thinking or practice, but they do not contradict each other. They are simply varying interpretations or ways of practicing Islamic law. At one point in its history, Islamic law was up for independent reasoning, but in the 10th century, it was deemed that no further independent interpretation would be allowed. Activity would be confined to explanation and application. Watch as Al Fadi and Brother Lloyd dive into the madhabs and how they were established through the centuries.
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... Research Archive
Reliance of the Traveller - Umdat al Salik (Sacred Islamic law)
Reliance of the Traveller (shafi).pdf
Brill Encyclopaedia Of Islam (13 Volumes)
See Dictionaries_References folder
Islamic and Talmudic Jurisprudence: The Four Roots of Islamic Law and Their Talmudic Counterparts - Judith R. Wegner
The Sources of Islamic Law (Abrogation Naskh)- John Burton
Was al-Shafii the Master Architect of Islamic Jurisprudence? - Wael B. Hallaq
Digest of Moohummudan Law - Baillie
Ihya Ulum al Din volumes 1-4
Brill Encyclopaedia Of The Qur’an (6 Volumes) - Jane Dammen McAuliffe
Bashishti Zewar -
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About CIRA International
CIRA’s mission and goal is to; create awareness about Islam as a religion and political movement; inform and challenge the Church concerning outreach and evangelism to Muslims, equip the believers with effective outreach tools, and advance the Gospel message among our Muslim neighbors & communities so that the vast majority of Muslims will begin a Gospel conversation with a Christ-follower.
CIRA exists to mobilize the Body of Christ across North America, and globally, to more effectively reach Muslims with the Gospel, by discipling and equipping believers, and by empowering church and community leaders to influence the Muslim world for Christ.
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