
Subscribe to Caters Clips: Subscribe to StoryTrender: Subscribe here: A former millionaire turned real life Robinson Crusoe has celebrated 20 years living as a desert island castaway with only a dog for company. David Glasheen abandoned civilisation and moved to Restoration Island, a tiny landmass off North East Australia’s most remote peninsula, in May 1997 after losing his fortune in the stock exchange crash of 1987. The ex-businessman and property magnate, who at his most successful was worth an estimated $28.4 million, now lives in a wooden beach shack with only loyal pooch Polly for company after his first dog Quassi was killed by a deadly taipan snake in 2015. But despite having limited electricity, fresh water or internet and facing regular encounters with deadly snakes, spiders, sharks and crocodiles, David insists there is nowhere he’d rather be than living off the land on his ‘heaven on earth’ natura
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