The Thumpa Thumpa Continues || QAF Cast

Watch in HD, yo! This one has been sitting on my computer for over a year. I don’t think I’d care for the song if it wasn’t for QAF. The show and the characters have a special place in my heart because even though I’m straight it still taught me something. There’s a ’’thumpa-thumpa’’ in all of our lives no matter who you are or where you’re from or what life throws at you, you have to keep dancing to it. That’s how you survive. If you keep going forward, keep moving, nothing can hold you down. The ’’thumpa-thumpa’’ continues. It always will. I started out with an actual plan for this, but by the middle of it I was just throwing in random cute scenes, so I don’t know how it turned out. I tried to include everyone(and not fixate too much on B/J) but yeah there’s no Vic and very little Hunter going on here, sorry. да простит меня автор,но я БЕЗУМНО ВЛЮБИЛАСЬ В ЭТО ВИДЕО. плаачу((((как жаль,что эта прекрасная сказка закончилась....
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