MiniDSP FLEX | Is this the most powerful DAC | HD Bluetooth | DIRAC | Home Theater Gurus
MiniDSP FLEX . You need to see this! From Home theater Sub alignment to Audiophile DAC with HD Bluetooth, Dirac, PEQ and stereo sub capabilities for 2 channel guys as well as everything we need to unleash our Home Theater great looks! Home Theater Gurus .
For room plans contact me @
Amir over at Audio Science Review ran it through the gauntlet and it performed very well it! I wish I had seen this before my video.
MiniDSP 2x4HD
Standard 2x4
Valencia Affiliate link. If you order from them please use the link to help support the channel.
Recommended tools
Optional mic
Dayton UMM-6
USB extension cables
Cables need for Balanced MiniDSP Flex to balanced processor
Cables need from MiniDSP FLEX to balanced amp
For the standard Flex use RCA unbalanced connections.
Sponsors for the new theater build Triad Demo room!
All loudspeaker Amplification. Great clean power at a very good price!
Tone Winner.
Projector screen. Best in class acoustic screens!
Seymour A/V
***Use the code HTGURU to save 10%
Fabricmate track system
GSG Devestator!
Links to items used
LED can lights for theater
LED light transformer/driver
Sub Floor decking
Shower Combo set
Smart glass switches
Alarm control panel
12 months ago 00:15:16 10
MiniDSP FLEX | Is this the most powerful DAC | HD Bluetooth | DIRAC | Home Theater Gurus