Obj. 268: Outstanding 10 stars game - World of Tanks
Obj. 268: Outstanding 10 stars game - World of Tanks
WoT replays - best World of Tanks games
The Obj. 268 is a Soviet tier 10 tank destroyer.
The Obj. 268 marks the end of its Soviet tank destroyer line.
#WorldofTanks #Gaming #WOT
Development of the Object 268 was started in the summer of 1952 at the Kirov Plant, Leningrad, under the supervision of Joseph Kotin. The vehicle was developed on the basis of the T-10 heavy tank. A prototype was manufactured in 1956. The vehicle passed trials, but never saw mass production.
Battle Stats:
SkippinAll [BIARS]
Object 268
Map Malinovka
Damage: 12426
Frags: 4
Blocked damage: 950
Assist damage: 538
Medals: 5
Master, Fighter, Fire for Effect, Confederate, High Caliber,
Mods used for the replay recordings: aslains modpack from wgmods(dot)net
World of Tanks
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