哈瓦那的孩子 - Child of Havana (Chinese-Cuban Friendship Song)

Also known as “Beautiful Havana“ (美丽的哈瓦那), this song was written in China in 1962 to show solidarity with the Cuban Revolution. Fidel Castro is said to have been so overcome with emotion on a car ride during his visit to China in 1995 that he couldn’t help but hum this song. Performer: Ren Guizhen (任桂珍) Year recorded: 1962 Composer: Li Jiefu (李劫夫) Lyricists: An Bo (安波), Mu Qing (木青) Year Composed/Written: 1962 Source: Youku Image: Chinese poster “Support the Cuban people in their just struggle against US imperialism!“ (支持古巴人民反对美帝国主义的正义斗争!)
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