Worldview and World-Understanding | Mikhail Velichko

This is a talk given by Mikhail Velichko, where he delves into the fundamentals: of worldview; of world-understanding and of the psychology of man, addressing such basic questions as the nature of “good“ and bad“, how a worldview is formed, what distinguishes man as a species in the biosphere of Earth, what a taken-place Human is, and so forth. For the new to English terms (SOVEST’; DOBRO; NRAVIOUSNESS; PRAVIOUSNESS; SPRAVYEDLIVOST’; SOBORNOST) used in the video, see the following videos: WHO ARE RUSSIANS? ― WHAT MAKES RUSSIANS DIFFERENT? ― For a short introduction into The Conception of Social Safety (KOB), see the following video: WHAT IS THE CONCEPTION OF SOCIAL SAFETY? ― #psychology #humanpsyche #human
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