Schizoid Narcissist is Not Covert Narcissist

Some narcissists are not gregarious because they have a comorbid Schizoid Personality Disorder or because life pushed them to become schizoid (see next video). They avoid social events and are stay-at-home recluses. Doesn’t this behaviour go against the grain of narcissism? Howard H. Goldman (Ed.) in the “Review of General Psychiatry“ [4th Edition. London, Prentice Hall International, 1995]: “The person with Schizoid Personality Disorder sustains a fragile emotional equilibrium by avoiding intimate personal contact and thereby minimising conflict that is poorly tolerated.“ Schizoid narcissists are not covert narcissists: 1. Covert narcissists are shy and anxious and convert their social dysfunction into an ideology; 2. Covert narcissists react emotionally to negative and positive supply; 3. Narcissists engage in sex and enjoy it. Admittedly, they use sex only in order to acquire a potential partner for a shared fantasy. If someone is de
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