What’s new in Megascans and Bridge? Ep. 9

Explore Decals within Bridge and Mixer, or use them directly in your environments within Unreal Engine 5 — bringing all your assets together in a cohesive story. Whether it’s an alleyway decorated with graffiti and art, a sidewalk aged by weather and time, or even streetscape full of debris and vegetation — Decals can be the key ingredient to bringing both detail and depth to your scenes. Here at Quixel, we strive to bring consistent high-quality assets so you can drive your project and boost fidelity — and Decals combined with our wide range of Megascans assets can help you do just that. Browse our Decals Collection in Megascans: & Announcements&utm_content=decals&utm_medium=social Access Decals through Bridge — Your gateway to Megascans and MetaHumans: & Announcements&
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