Twin Peaks Tribute (Desire - Saturday)

#TwinPeaks is an American mystery drama television series created by Mark Frost and David Lynch that premiered on April 8, 1990, on ABC until its cancellation after its second season in 1991. The show gained a devoted cult following and has been referenced in a wide variety of media. In subsequent years, Twin Peaks is often listed among the greatest television series of all time, and is considered a landmark turning point in television drama. The success of the show sparked a media franchise, and the series was followed by a 1992 feature film, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, that serves as a prequel to the series. Additional tie-in books were also released. Following a hiatus of over 25 years, the show returned in 2017 with a third season on Showtime. The season was directed by Lynch and written by Lynch and Frost, and starred MacLachlan alongside other original cast members. I do not own any rights of this video ! #DesireSaturday #TwinPeaks
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