For more information on this product:
Right at the top of their line is the Cort G280 Deluxe. It features an alder body complemented with a flame maple top and completed with a beautiful Canadian maple neck. Together, this gives the guitar a lovely, full-bodied tone with an incredible mid-range and biting treble that will cut through any mix.
This is an expressive and versatile instrument that you can mould your sound around. Fitted with Cort’s amazing CFA-III Tremolo, you get full control over your guitar. From divebombs to subtle warbles, this tremolo will get you there.
8 months ago 00:03:03 1
【CHORDS】 Kaiju No.8 Ending Full / Nobody by One Republic GUITAR COVER (Nobody from Kaiju No 8)
2 years ago 00:04:32 24
Электрогитара CORT G280 Select. Что может быть лучше стратокастера? Наверное, только супрестрат ;-)
2 years ago 00:00:50 66
Universe Zen Audio Humvee Fuzz - Quick Test
2 years ago 00:18:55 1
😠БЮДЖЕТНОСТЬ или КАК сегодня ЖИТЬ гитаристам - НИЩУКАМ?