ZMR-250 battery flight time comparison 2200, 1300 & 1600 mAh

The big 2200 mAh 3S battery gives a nice 10 mins flight time, but as you might see from the video, the plane flies much like a truck as compared to the lighter batteries. The PID settings are also for the lighter batteries, so the 2200 mAh flight has quite some wobbles in the wind. All the ligher batteries seems to give about the same 5 mins time. 2200 mAh: 0:00 1300 mAh: 9:24 1600 mAh: 14:28 ---- ZMR-250 All up weight 550 g Sunnysky X2204S 2300KV, Emax 12 A ESCs Nano-tech 3S lipos, all sorts from 1300 m
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