#스파이시맥앤치즈버거 #맥도날드 맥도날드의 신메뉴 ’스파이시맥앤치즈버거’를 먹어볼 기회가 생겼어요! 요즘 제 최애가 된 스파이시맥앤치즈버거 여러분도 도전해보세요!
I was given the opportunity to try the McDonald’s
Spicy Mac and Cheese Burger early! It’s out now, so you can try it for yourself, but these are my thoughts! Enjoy the video.
*대한미국놈 이모티콘이 나왔습니다! 카카오 이모티콘스토어에서
“대한미국형”을 검색하세요!
음악 / Music
Darling Ranch by the Jingle Punks
Sour Tennessee Red by John Deley and the 41 Players
Sand Castle by Quincas Moreira
Jack in the Box by Silent Partner
Snack Time by The Green Orbs