I honestly had no idea what i was doing. I should have put it in a bowl of water instead of sand and water but i thought the moisture would have been enough, clearly it wasnt :). That’s what you get for trying to get it to look cool. You can really see from the video that every time i added water it opened more.
Internet said it usually starts to open after 4 hours (website i bought it from said 48h though). I’m probably going to do this again soon and just place it in a bowl of water.
I don’t know if anybody even noticed but there was a two week break with no videos. I have about 15 plants on the way but some of them are taking longer then expected to flower/fruit so there is a bit of a delay in the schedule. Always trying to get one video per week but sometimes its not possible :)
Music: Calm Before the Storm - Howard Harper-Barnes
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