Gauge FPV Landing Glide Slope using Runway Shape ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ›ฌ

Use runway geometry to determine whether one is too high, too low or on glide slope during final approach to landing while flying head tracking FPV in RC plane. Aircraft: Freewing Mig-29, twin 80mm EDF jet, 6s FPV system: DJI FPV V1 - Goggles, Air Unit, Camera Head-tracker: Fatshark Trinity Head-tracker External Module Pan & tilt: Motionsic BAG (BadAss Gimbal) available@ Rod Machadoโ€™s Videos: Evaluating Your Glidepath with Runway Geometry The Runway Expansion Effect (for timing flare) #MotionsicBAG #FPVLanding #RCjetFPV #HeadtrackingFPV
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