Imagine Carol Robert de Anjou sitting on his throne in Timișoara, scheming against Csák Máté. ⚔️
Charles I, also known as Charles Robert (Hungarian: Károly Róbert; Croatian: Karlo Robert; Slovak: Karol Róbert; 1288 – 16 July 1342) was King of Hungary and Croatia from 1308 to his death. He was a member of the Capetian House of Anjou and the only son of Charles Martel, Prince of Salerno.
Timisoara received a special impulse during the reign of King Carol Robert de Anjou, who after his visit in 1307 ordered the construction of a royal palace here. Moreover, during the feudal anarchy, it will move the capital of Hungary to Timisoara. The appointment of Iancu of Hunedoara as commander of Timis, in 1440, marks a special chapter in the history of Timisoara. He transformed the city into a permanent military camp and into his residence, moving here with his family. Thus, the fortress remained in the possession of the Corvins until 1490.