Purim Medley with Micha Gamerman (Official Animation Video)
In honor of Chodesh Adar, Brazilian Superstar Micha Gamerman is releasing the first song off his upcoming Moadei Yisrael Im Micha Gamerman album entitled the “Purim Medley“.
The song is being released as a uniquely original animated music video created by VemVer Films Production featuring Micha and some children.
While new albums are being released weekly (if not daily), most of the songs on these album don’t have longevity that the songs of yesteryear had. However, there ARE songs that are known worldwide connected to the Chagim, that have been sung for many generations, no matter one’s background or location. These songs are part of the Jewish people, and our history.
Unfortunately, for non religious Jews, or the many who have strayed from the path, their children/grandchildren will never get to learn these treasured melodys.
It was for that reason that Micha Gamerman set on a path to create the ultimate Chagim album, featuring these songs of old with new exciting arrangements created by the talented duo of Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry. Moadei Yisrael Im Micha Gamerman consists of six medleys, one for each of the major chagim; Purim, Pessach, Shavuot, Yamim Noraim (Rosh Hashana/Yom Kipur), Sukot and Chanuka. This album has so much energy and flavor that the Chaguim come alive for everyone, both young and old.
It is well known that 30 days before a Chag/Yom Tov, one should familiarize themselves with the laws and customs in order to be prepared. Music has that power to get one in the mood and bring back those feelings we get on that particular holiday. What better way to prepare for the upcoming Yom Tov season of Purim/Pessach/Shavuot than to hear the melodies of old re-created like you have never heard before.
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1) Mi Shenichnas Adar Marbin Bessimcha
משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה
2) Venahafoch Hu Asher Ishletu Hayehudim Heima Bessoneihem
ונהפוך הוא אשר ישלטו היהודים המה בשונאיהם
3) Chag Purim Chag Gadol Layehudim Massechot Raashanim Shir Verikudim, Hava Narisha : “Rash Rash Rash“ , Baraashanim
חג פורים חג פורים חג גדול ליהודים מסכות רעשנים שיר וריקודים הבה
“נרעישה : “רש רש רש
4) Vayehi Bimei Achshverosh Hu Achashverosh Hamolech Mehodu Vead Kush Sheva Veesrim Umea Medina
ויהי בימי אחשוורוש הוא אחשוורוש המלך מהודו ועד כוש שבע ועשרים ומאה מדינה
5) Chayav Inish Livssumei Ad Delo Yada
חייב איניש לבסומי עד דלא ידע
6) Et Haman Talu Al Ezt Gavoa
את המן תלו על עץ גבוה
7) Umordechai Yatza Milifnei Hamelech Bilvush Malchut Vaateret Zahav Vehair Shushan Tzahala Vessamecha Layehudim Haita Ora Vessimcha Vessasson Vikar
ומרדכי יצא מלפני המלך בלבוש מלכות ועטרת זהב והעיר שושן צהלה ושמחה
ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר
8) Shoshanat Yaakov Tzahala Vessamecha Birotam Yachad Tchelet Mordechai, Teshuatam Haita Lanetzach Vetikvatam Bechol Dor Vador, Baruch Mordechai Hayehudi
שושנת יעקב צהלה ושמחה בראותם יחד תכלת מרדכי תשועתם היתה לנצח ותקוותם בכל דור ודור ברוך מרדכי היהודי
9) Layehudim Haita Ora Vessimcha Vessasson Vikar, Ken Tihye Lanu
ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר
כן תהיה לנו
Music Arranged by: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry
Drums: Avi Avidani
Brass: Rafi Davidov & Sahar Livneh
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Keyboard and Synth: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry
Mix and Master: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry
Child Soloist: Yonathan Fried
Photo: Elki Gamerman
Album Designed: Yossi Zweig
Video and Animation: VemVer Films Production
1 view
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