The French duo returns after three years from their last album Sequania.
In line with their last work they continue with the melodic and stoic black metal and lyrically also on the same track as last one with the Gallic and Roman themes.
But being a continuation does not mean stale in any way because they go way further than their last album, they weave on some tracks a slow moving atmosphere through ultra melodic riffs, synth usage, prolonged vocals resembling some pagan acts.
On an fewer other tracks they will create a slightly faster approach not losing the melodic trait but with a more fierce side greatly helped with the vocals being raspier and more intense.
One thing that is stable through the album is the clear hi-hat and cymbals which sounds so good and is also a plus for me, a proper spot for the drummer to shine and indeed he does.
Also noteworthy are the melodies in the intro and outro are quite nicely crafted in the usual ambient style as many black metal acts do.
A dazzling one hour tour through France’s remarkable past and modernity’s abjection
LP / Cassette / CD available via Purity Through Fire
Band: Autarcie
Year: 2021
Label: Purity Through Fire
Genre: Black Metal
Country: France
1. Prélude 00:00
2. Nation 01:54
3. France Profonde 12:29
4. Regnum Francorum 18:28
5. Le bardit des hardis 23:48
6. Gladio vivere, gladio morietur 30:52
7. Apogé 38:53
8. Postlude 50:42
All rights belong to Autarcie and Purity Through Fire. Video will be deleted upon request. Please contact me in case you want this video to be taken down.
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