Ожившие мумии - канадско-американский мультсериал от DIC Productions LP и Northern Lights Entertainment . Шоу было частью общей тенденции “мумиемании“ в поп-культуре 1990-х.
В Древнем Египте злой колдун по имени Скараб убивает сына фараона, принца Рапсеса, чтобы стать бессмертным . Погребенный заживо за свое преступление, Скараб возрождается в современном мире и начинает поиски реинкарнации Рапсеса, живущего в Сан-Франциско мальчика по имени Пресли Карнован, чтобы вернуть дух Рапсеса и стать бессмертным. Телохранители Рэпсеса (Пресли), Джа-Кал, Рат, Армон и Нефер-Тина, вместе с кошкой Рэпсеса, Кахти, пробуждаются из мертвых, чтобы защитить его от Скараба. Они используют силу Ра, чтобы превратиться в могущественных стражей.
Помимо Скараба, мумиям часто приходилось бороться с богами и духами из египетских мифов, вызванными в современный мир, включая Анубиса , Сета , Геба , Апепа , Баста , Сехмета , Беса и многих других.
Mummies Alive! is a Canadian-American animated series from DIC Productions L.P. and Northern Lights Entertainment. It originally aired for one season in 1997. The show was part of a general trend of “mummymania“ in 1990s pop culture.
In ancient Egypt, an evil sorcerer named Scarab kills the pharaoh’s son, Prince Rapses, to become immortal. Entombed alive for his crime (Rapses’ body was also never found), Scarab revives in the modern world and begins his search for Rapses’ reincarnation, a San Francisco-dwelling boy named Presley Carnovan, to retrieve the spirit of Rapses so he can become immortal. Rapses’ (Presley’s) bodyguards, Ja-Kal, Rath, Armon, and Nefer-Tina, along with Rapses’ cat, Kahti, awake from the dead to protect him from Scarab. They use the power of Ra to transform into powerful guardians.
Each of the mummies is aligned with the power of an Egyptian god. Ja-Kal uses the spirit of a falcon, Rath uses the spirit of a snake, Armon uses the spirit of a ram, and Nefer-Tina uses the spirit of a cat. They are able to call upon it for magical armor and powers to fight superhuman evildoers just by shouting “ With the strength of Ra !. Although, once their strength is exhausted, they must rest in their sarcophagi to regain the ability. In order to access these powers, the mummies call out the phrase “With the Strength of Ra!“, which triggers their transformation. The mummies also have the power to make a horrifying face, usually used to scare away nosy bystanders.
In addition to Scarab, the mummies often had to contend with gods and spirits from Egyptian myth summoned to the modern world, including Anubis, Set, Geb, Apep, Bast, Sekhmet, Bes, and many others, usually as part of one of Scarab’s schemes that went out of his control.
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