Sorcerer’s Trial S3 - 3⭐ Trial 50 with Team Build [F2P Acct - 4SR + 1SSR] [Nu: Carnival]
Click “Show More“ for strategy notes. Just recording my run for Trial 50. Using my F2P account at 184 days of login.
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To achieve this clear, here are what is important:
1) SR Oli MB Garu - A combination of Buffer Debuffer Striker will help your team hit hard. Other choices are higher ascended R Oli or WD Yakumo / CTR Dante. CTR Edmond won’t work as well since I rely on Quincy’s damage.
2) SR Quincy at high ascension or high built - Allows him to nuke the enemy. If you cannot get Quincy to 5*, consider levelling up his potential or levelling up other strikers’ ascensions or potential. Maximize the damage in one turn! (After some discussion in Discord, you could try with 4* Quincy, since Quincy’s ultimate skill will increase after 4* ascension. But do keep in mind to build him at a higher potential than my Quincy, as 5* gives him extra 38% Ultimate Skill damage, which can be compensat