This video is meant to be a documentary to be enjoyed in one or more sittings. The question answered is: Why did International Business Machines decline?
The Backdrop 1983-1993 (Was it really a mistake to go with Microsoft and Intel?) : 2:24
Lou Gerstner Years: 1993 - 2001 (IBM is a top player in everything tech!): 5:38
Sam Palmisano Years: 2002 to 2011 (Continuing the Gerstner Vision and missing the cloud!): 18:52
Ginni Rometty Years: 2012 to 2020 (Continuing the Gerstner vision and cutting costs!): 26:13
The Future and Arvind Krishna: 2020 to present (A bright future?): 32:34
What we can say is that despite the company still ranking as one of the largest companies in the world, it used to be the largest, touching many aspects of a consumer’s life. Today, IBM is a Business to Business (B2B) company that has been surpassed by many tech rivals including, Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook. How did that happen?
Many people think IBM declined because of