Nations discuss peace in Paris (1946)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit National diplomats of Russia, Britain, America, and France convene peace talks in Paris in 1946 Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: 4-Power Paris Talks Resumed FRANCE: Paris: Luxembourg Palace: EXT/INT BEVIN Shots of him arriving at the four power talks in Paris, at the Luxemburg palace, also shots of Mr Molotov, Mr Byrnes shots of Bevin shaking hands with Mr Molotov, FIRES. More shots of the Hotel La Sale, (4 Power Con???) MOLOTOV. Shota of him arriving at the paris conference, shot of him with Mr Bevin Mr Byrnes, Mr Bidault, Multi-national Groupings; Diplomacy diplomat, relations, international, conference, peace, talks, meeting, cooperation, war, conflict, fighting, James Byrnes, Ernest Bevin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Georges Bidault, foreign ministers Background: National diplomats of Russia, Britain, America, and Fr
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