Hylätty mielisairaala, Abandoned Mental Sanatorium Chinese criminals involved!

Completely destroyed mental hospital that later also served as a welfare center where some criminal activities took place! It was build in 1962 and it was closed down in 2006. In 2007 properties was sold to Chinese welfare company and the place was re-opened as a Chinese welfare center in 2008 and they served massages etc. In 11/2009 About 150 police, border guard and customs officers made a raid in the place. The Border Guard suspected that a Chinese criminal group had organized large-scale aggravated illegal entry! aKa. human trafficking! The Border Guard closed investigations in the summer of 2010 because there was not enough evidence of the suspected crimes to prosecute.... The owner lives now in Switzerland and he is unreachable.... NO CLICK BAIT TITLES, I always try to find out the real history of the locations, no bullshit, no scams! :) FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIA #abandoned #sanatorium #mentalh
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