✅ When you buy something, an album from a musician, a painting from an painter or a handmade thing from a master - you don’t simply buy albums, paintings or things. You buy hundred hours of mistakes and experiments, days, weeks and months of despair, years of searching and moments of pure delight. You don’t buy just a thing, but particles of someone’s heart and soul, particles of someone’s life. And the most important is that you buy a master new time, the time that will give him or her an opportunity to do what they are best at, what they love and enjoy.
Когда покупаешь что-нибудь у музыканта, к примеру его альбом, у художника его картину или у мастера что либо - ты покупаешь не просто альбом вещи или картину. Ты покупаешь сотни часов ошибок и экспериментов. Дни, недели месяцы разочарований, года поисков и моменты чистой радости. Ты покупаешь не просто вещь. Ты покупаешь частицы сердца, души и мгновения чьей-то жизни. И что самое важное - ты покупаешь для художника время, чтобы он мог заниматься тем, чем так увлечён
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терапевтическая арфа ?
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Alizbar - Celtic Harp /Кельтская арфа/ аранжировка
Марат Цораев Музыка, Гитара, Голос
Игорь Сычёв - стихи
Анна Батурова - Съемки, монтаж
Андрей Самойлов -звук
Съемки Алексей Иванов монтаж Анна Батурова
Fall asleep, dear son, sleep and don’t feel afraid.
I’m near, I’m here beside you.
You have come to be blind in the world full of grief
There’s no use to call fate to the fight.
You will never be able to see how I smile
Over you and the heather in bloom.
But you hear the wind blowing over the rye
And the harp, that is singing in gloom.
You will learn what is truth, you will learn what is lie,
But the words I confess don’t forget.
In the morning you’ll head for the mentor of bards
For the secrets of beauty to get.
You will follow his way in the dust of the roads
Revelations of heaven to fetch.
And with time you’ll become the guard of the hope -
Ancient dream of the all, who are wretched.
Every town, every farm will be your household
Always ready to offer a seat.
And like sister or brother the harpist behold
Every stranger is eager, you meet.
Strings of harp in your hands cling and sing pure sounds
Like the dew shining under the sun.
And in hunt for your head the fierce royal hounds
Will at once begin their run.
Our rhymes, our tunes frighten foes more than troops.
Their danger is vivid and sharp.
They forbade us to sing, they forbade us to dance,
They forever forbade our harp.
But remember, my darling, your homeland is sky.
Men like you should be scared of none.
And the glorious harp hence and forth will be thine,
And it has no right to be dumb.
Our tribes, our people will wake from your song.
In due time Heaven will be returned.
That will happen, believe me, my son. Please, don’t cry
Try to sleep. From now and beyond
In the land of the sleep there is shelter and calm.
Like the dust many years will pass.
Listen – harp’s singing songs in the gloom of the night,
Winds are blowing above feather grass.
Translation Ekaterina Baranova
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