Lyrics: In the shadow’s reach, where evil breeds, Who dares to stride with light? (Exorcists) Against the night, with holy might, Who stands to fight the blight? (Exorcists) No demon brings me fear, No shade can draw near, With sacred arms we wield, The gates of heaven, we shield. Through Pentagram City’s gates, where sinners wait, And darkness mocks the day, (Exorcists) With holy weapons drawn, at the break of dawn, Who clears the cursed way? (Exorcists) No demon brings me fear, No, no shade can draw near, In the fight for souls astray, Exorcists lead the way. At the edge of night, where demons incite, Who guards the gates so pure? (Exorcists) With faith’s bright light, and spirits white, Who makes our victory sure? (Exorcists) In the heart of chaos deep, Where the shadows seep, We stand with strength and grace. Against the tide of hell’s embrace, With courage, we face, To secure heaven’s place. With a steadfast heart and a warrior’s art, Who challenges the dark, forbidding sea? (Exorcists) Against hell’s art, we play our part, Guardians of light, forever we’ll be. (Exorcists) No demon brings me fear, No shade can draw near, With Exorcists by our side, For heaven’s glory, we stride. Through the silence, our victory rings, In our hearts, hope forever sings. Across the ages, through every test, In the light, we forever rest. Guardians of the sacred, we are Exorcists.
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