Truman’s Speech Calling For Enactment Of Erp And Conscription (1948)

Washington, USA. Truman’s speech calling for enactment of ERP & conscription. Truman calls to Congress to speed its action on . (Just after the Czechoslovakian coup). A full transcript is in the documentation. Truman ’ The Soviet Union and its satellites were invited to co-operate in the European Recovery Programme. They rejected that invitation - more than that they had declared their violent hostility to the programme are aggressively attempting to wreck it. They see in it a major obstacle to their designs to subjugate the free community of Europe; they do not even want the 16 co-operative countries to help themselves. While economic recovery in Europe is essential measures for economic rehabilitation are not enough. The free nations of Europe realise that economic recovery if it is to succeed must be afforded some measure of protection in the face of the growing menace to their freedom.’ (Comb.B/W) (). Note: poor quality sound recording, poor quality of footage at the end, f
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