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This episode of the television series ‘Biography’ showcases the Former Premier of Soviet Russia, Joseph Stalin. He reigned over Russia from 1922 until 1953. Mike Wallace appears as the host (1:10). Prior to the turn of the century, Russia was ruled by Czar Nicholas (1:31). Poor Russians line the streets (1:54) as millions existed in poverty. A black and white photograph of Stalin’s hometown in the province of Georgia follows which he had been born in 1879 (2:16). Stain was born to peasants (2:23). He began to study for Priesthood (2:28). He was later expelled over his involvement in a radical Marxist organization (2:39). He played a minor role in the uprising of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Batum (2:56). Social unrest lead to revolution in 1905 (3:05). Stalin was arrested as an agitator (3:20). Nicholai Lenin (3:43) appears and heavily influenced Stalin. Lenin plotted to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat of the working class. WW1 broke out (4:18) and Germany invaded. In 1917, the Czar turned the war over to his generals as he left the front (4:52). Nicholas is pictured with his royal family and advisors (5:00) as they sought safety in a military garrison (5:27). The Russian revolution erupted in February of 1917 (5:41). The monarchy’s banners were torn down from buildings (5:56). Czar Nicholas and his family were arrested and executed (6:01). Civilians celebrate as a provisional government was set into place (6:08). Lenin delivers passionate speeches to his supporters (6:19) as he sought to overthrow the provisional government. Stalin played a minor role in building up the Bolsheviks (6:31). Lenin’s chief lieutenant, Leon Trotsky is pictured (6:38). The Bolsheviks attacked for a second revolution in October of 1917 (6:53). The Bolsheviks are seen running over Petrograd (6:58) to storm the winter palace headquarters of the provisional government (7:01). Lenin became the Communist dictator of Russia (7:28). Stalin became the Chief Commissar (7:45). Agricultural output declined (8:04). Some freedom was returned to farmers although the United States still had to deliver emergency relief (8:20). Lenin’s funeral and wake are pictured in 1924 (8:36). Lenin planned to remove Stalin from the government prior to his death which lead to the suspicion Stalin may have poisoned Lenin (8:56). He is pictured paying respects to Lenin’s corpse (8:57). The Kremlin became the hub of politics (9:05). Stalin took leadership (9:24). One of Stalin’s plans (9:32) was to restrict and set controls over farmers. The controls again led to famine (9:45). A home of one of the Kulaks is visited (9:59). They were permitted, under Lenin to own their own land. These farmers were then marched through streets, shackled (10:09). Two million were imprisoned (10:15) or exiled. Resisting Kulaks are shown dead in the streets (10:20). Franklin Roosevelt grants Soviet Russia recognition (11:57). Crates from the Caterpillar Tractor Co, arrive in a Russian port (12:37) as trade between the two countries began. In August 1936, Stalin began purge trials including leading members of the Communist party (12:57). The defendants faced the firing squad (13:21). Stalin wiped out much of his secret police officers (13:32). Germany and Russia sign non-aggression pact (14:28). Nazi armor moves into Poland in September of 1939 (14:50). Stalin invaded Poland (14:58). Hitler and Hermann Goering (15:07) double cross Stalin. Hitler’s Panzer divisions move through Russia (15:27). Stalin’s retreating armies leave nothing for the Germans (15:39). The Soviet Union began to push back against Germany (16:07). The Tehran Conference. Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin meet for the first time (17:01). In February of 1945 (17:26) at Yalta the “Big Three” are pictured as Stalin agrees to declare war on Japan. In May of 1945 the war ended (18:17). Stalin’s son Vasily (18:29). Potsdam Meeting in July of 1945 (19:07). Harry Truman (19:09). Stalin forms an alliance with Mao Zedong (20:34). Stalin stages another purge trial known as the ‘Doctor Plot’ in 1953 (21:29). A bulletin reaches the Soviet people from within the Kremlin stating Stalin is ill (21:57). Stalin dies on March 5th, 1953 (22:09). Stalin’s body is set next to Lenin’s in the mausoleum at Red Square (22:22). A power struggle ensued within the Kremlin (22:56). Nikita Khrushchev became the new leader (23:02). Nikita delivers a speech in 1956 (23:16) declaring Stalin the sole perpetrator of past crimes. Stalin’s body was to be removed from its place of honor (23:42).
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