sqrt(2) reality by Future Screw - PC Demo Abduction’96 DOLBY MONO use your ripper to this “demo“

sqrt(2) reality by Future Screw - PC Demo Abduction’96 DOLBY MONO use your ripper to this “demo“ R E A L I T Y b y F u t u r e S c r e w The worst demo of Abduction’96 SB, SB Pro and GUS support In DOLBY MONO Where Available This is lame demo..... This demo does not work cause of MIDAS Midas is BULLSHIT!!! We were in very big hurry “creating“ this produktion, YOU CAN SEE IT :) 2nd reality is god.... We do not belive on it :) Remember to use your ripper to this “demo“... You find some nice .pcx pictures Ps. This demo will propably not work with emm386 Pps. This demo propably wont work anyway #PCDemo #SquareRootOf2 #Mathematics #Maths #Demo #Pc #Revision #Compo #Demoparty #Competition #Demoscene #Second #Reality #Future #Crew #Digital #Computer #Art #Demonstration #PcDemoscene #Remix #Edit #FutureS
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