리얼쿡&먹방▶소고기 김치짜글이 & 굴전 (ft.매실주스)ㅣBeef Kimchi stew, Oyster Pancake (Plum Juice)ㅣREAL SOUNDㅣ

▶ Today’s menu is Beef Kimchi stew & Oyster Pancake ★ Plum Juice I would appreciate it if you watch my previous videos and ’Like’ them. If you are new to my channel, please subscribe and like my videos I promise you that I will upload another video asap Please write the menu you would like to see in the comment box at the bottom. I will make that recommendation the subject of the video. 구독, 좋아요, 댓글 알람설정은 저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다! . . . . . #KoreanFood #mukbang #cooking #eatingshow #asmr #realsound #소고기짜글이 #김치짜글이 #소고기김치짜글이 #짜글이 #굴전 #전 #매실 #주스 #매실주스
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