It’s time to think about what’s next
Get ready for the new step
Wait, did life just hit the brakes?
Or is the gear in reverse?
Why am I going back?
Wow, my head is turning dark
My heart is starting to beat
Fast like a drummer hitting his drum
As the sweat rolls down my nose
And both my lips
Tremble like a honeybee
Looking for a flower but you know
I’m talking nonsense hey excuse me, I’m losing myself
Rolling, rushing, running
Speeding forwards
That’s all I learned to do
Pushing, working, moving
Towards the front
But life just hit the brakes
My heart is starting to beat
Fast like a drummer
... hitting his drum
As the sweat rolls down my nose
And both my lips
Tremble like a honeybee
Looking for a flower but you know
I’m talking nonsense hey excuse me, I’m losing myself
I think I’m losing control
And I am losing myself
I keep on going backwards
Anybody please come save me
IShow more