Bruce Willow Podcast #25 - MICHAEL WORTH - ’Life is too short, buddy!’
Today we chat with filmmaker Michael Worth. We talk about movies, training, filmmaker habits and play a game for Kung Fu nerds!
Michael Worth’s instagram - zenoutlaw
Bruce Willow instagram - thebrucewillow
0:00 - Intro
1:08 - Icebreaker movie talk
3:30 - Martial arts then and now
13:20 - Career recap
15:18 - Temper?
16:20 - Fists of Iron gossip
19:50 - Being typecast as action guy
29:50 - Training and routines
49:15 - Starting martial arts
53:00 - Aspirations at 18
55:04 - Friendships and the business
56:55 - Living in his truck in LA
59:20 - Start in movies
1:01:15 - Final Impact
1:06:15 - To be the best
1:09:12 - Fists of Iron
1:16:30 - Success Habits for a filmmaker
1:19:15 - Writing and motivation
1:21:08 - Movie watching habits
1:23:15 - Apple Seed
1:31:38 - Balance in directing
1:35:36 - God’s Ears (acting autism)
1:41:37 - Actors and longevity
1:44:50 - Kung Fu movie game!
1:57:35 - Chinese speaking
1:59:10 - Final acknowledgements
#BruceWillow #MichaelWorth #Willowpodcast
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