Attended HKLAN from 25th to 27th February, 2011.
My very first lan, where I met a lot cool people, and played some good matches :)
Made this small clip about the lan, it isn’t really a top-clip, nor is the frags the best.. But it means something for me, since its my very first lan, and my first real lan frags :D
Actually, I wasn’t quite sure if I should make this clip, because I had only POV(in-eyes) from the lan - But suddenly, when I was halfway done with the clip, all the STV’s got released on the HKLAN site.. :b I used something like 25% of the STV’s, rest are ineyes.
Special thanks:
rizc[reason-gamings personal editor, thanks for recording the reallife footage :D]
Riverside eSport[my team]
aim[for havin my dick in his ear.. LOL]
sign up on our website;
peace, koopz.