Full title reads: “Groundnuts - The Facts“.
London and East Africa. Item about the Groundnut scandal that rocked British politics.
CU root of groundnuts / peanuts.
LV Exterior Houses of Parliament. SV News vendor selling papers. CU Paper in man’s hand. Headline - ’Groundnut Men Fired.’ LV Towards and pan John Strachey walking along street. LV people waiting outside Parliament. Mr and Mrs John Rosa.
SV Map of Africa. CU Showing Dar-es-Salaam. Map of Tanganyika (now Tanzania), with Dodoma circled.
LV Aerial jungle country. GV bush country. LV Train carrying machinery. Man checking as trucks pass.
SV Group of Africans. MV Machinery on trucks. MV People taking railway sleepers from trucks. LV People laying railway. Surveyor in foreground. SV People knocking bolts into rails. SV Workers looking on.
MV Pan bulldozers beginning to clear scrub. SV Bulldozer clearing scrub. GV Groundnuts growing. Various shots of groundnuts being harvested.
CU pile of groundnuts.
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