[See You Again]は新曲。
[Memories of You]はコロナ感染で亡くなられた方への追悼曲。
[The World is Waiting for the Sunrise]世界は日の出を待っている。
●北村英治 Eiji Kitamura Home Page:
●銀座Swing ホームページ:
●SAVE JAZZ 全国のライブハウス応援プロジェクト:
●銀座Swing facebook:
●銀座Swing Instagram:
*収録当日、ピアノ高浜和英氏は自家用車、北村英治氏も自身の運転でSwingに来られました。ステージの中でもお互いの距離を保つ(Social Distance)など感染予防対策を行い収録しました。
~ Message with JAZZ from Eiji Kitamura, an active jazz clarinet player, age 91
[See You Again] is a new song.
[Smiles] is for healthcare workers and many people who are working hard.
[Memories of You] is a memorial song for those who died of COVID-19.
[The World is Waiting for the Sunrise] The world is waiting for the sunrise.
The jazz and message by Eiji Kitamura, a jazz clarinet player who turned 91 on April 8th,
Deliver ale through this video to all the music-loving friends, including the elderly, who are at high risk of becoming severely ill and are forced to live in a crippled life, as well as musicians, live houses, sound staff, and event relationships. I recorded it because I wanted to do it.
Ginza Swing is also at risk of survival. We ask for the support of many people.