ORDER HERE: Position | Momentum, the follow up to 2020’s The Eye Is The First Circle doesn’t ease up on intensity; if anything, giving the chaos a little more room to breathe has shaped Calligram into something even more formidable than before. Sonically they have further refined their amalgamation of bilious D-beat punk and ice cold black metal. The results are as abrasive as one would hope, but ceding space to atmospheric passages helps create a claustrophobic, ominous ambience to proceedings; allowing some light in only serves to accentuate the darkness further. Track list: 0:00 - Sul Dolore 04:10 - Frantumi In Itinere 09:09 - Eschilo 15:20 - Tebe 19:40 - Per Jamie 22:04 - Ostranenie 29:05 - Ex Sistere 34:16 - Seminario Dieci
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