Rainham, Kent.
M/S of a workman, Matty Miles, wheeling a barrow full of sacks of sand (or concrete mix?) across a very wet and muddy work site; panning right with him as he walks with some difficulty because the ground is so slippery; we see another man, Denis Kemp, at work on the Hoverbarrow. It is quite a large square-shaped machine, with a motor in the centre, a deep metal frame beneath and the air cushion below that.
He starts it up and the whole machine lifts up as the air cushion beneath inflates. He then moves a lever and the machine sinks back down to the ground, though the motor is still running. Matty appears with the old wheel barrow and they both load the sand bags onto the Hoverbarrow; high angle M/S as they load the bags evenly onto it; Denis moves a lever, the cushion inflates and he walks off, steering the barrow with two handles on the end of it.
As we see the barrow gliding smoothly along, commentator informs us that the barrow was designed by a builder, Edward (Ted) Drewery, a
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4 years ago 00:08:26 4
Look at Life Vol 01 Transport So they All Hover Now 1962
4 years ago 00:02:37 1
Out Takes / Cuts From Cp 311 - Hover Barrow (1960)
4 years ago 00:01:42 1
Hover Barrow (1960)
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Premier’s Day Out (1962)
4 years ago 00:01:26 1
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