Napoleon Smashes Prussia: Jena1806

Fresh from his great victory at Austerlitz, Napoleon’s next campaign saw him take on Prussia in the autumn of 1806. Prussia’s army had been feared throughout Europe since the days of Frederick the Great, but in just 5 weeks of ’Napoleonic Blitzkrieg’, the French Emperor showed that those days were long gone. Get early access and a vote on future topics by supporting Epic History TV on Patreon: With thanks to HistoryMarche, check out his channel here: Learn more about the Napoleonic Wars with books from our co-production partner Osprey Publishing (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases): Jena 1806 Napoleon’s Cuirassiers & Carabiniers Prussian Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars Music from Filmstro: Get 20% off an annual licens
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