30 Min COOL CARDIO Workout / No Equipment - Caroline Girvan LISS

30 minutes of low intensity steady state cardio (LISS)! Work through these exercises at an easy, smooth and consistent pace! Slow it down if you feeling overly exerted. It’s only low intensity (LISS Cardio), if you focus on slowing down to a pace to suit you! We all have different levels and even day to day our energy levels change. Smile, burn off some energy and enjoy the low intensity! All you will need is a bottle of water handy and a mat towards the end! The timer will be on continuously for 45 seconds of work, then straight into the next exercise! Take your time getting into position for next exercise, the timer is just a guide! Stop when you need to!!! The aim is to try not to... even if you slow down. Try to maintain steady breath, try to relax breath as much as possible! CLIMBING THE LADDER SPRAWL LUNGE TO HIP OPENER LUNGE TO HIP OPENER KICK THRU HANDS AT HEAD SQUAT LATERAL HOVER WALK SQUAT
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