Artanis Meets Fenix Purifier Clone on Glacius (Starcraft 2 | Protoss | Talandar)

Aboard the Spear of Adun, Karax discovered that the Purifier prototype was a robotic construct with the encoded memories of Praetor Fenix. It was not aware it was a Purifier or that the real Fenix had died, and its last memories were of Judicator Aldaris ordering him to Glacius and putting him in stasis. Artanis, though relieved to see his old friend again, was not entirely sure if it was truly Fenix, and noted he served as a melancholy reminder of his death... Talandar. Aftermath of “Forbidden Weapon“ mission from ’Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void’ PC game... Gameplay on Normal... ► Watch more Starcraft videos:
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