【syudou Feat. KAFU】Cute Girl (English Subs)

Original Title: キュートなカノジョ Original Links: “It’s syudou. This is a cute song.“ Music: syudou() Illustration: Kuroume () Translation: VioletTranslations () Subs: Mage Karaoke / lyrics: Sorry for the late post, this week I started working alongside classes, and it is certainly a lot. We will aim to have our regular post on Saturday next week! Our Tumblr: Our Twitter: Current WIPS, Producer Permissions List, and Translation Terms: Raffle Discord: *This is not child-friendly* We obtained permission from Syudou to upload this song~ *This upload was made solely for the purpose of ...expanding the audience of the song and this song does not belong to us, please support the original upload. Syudou様からの許可を得て投稿しています。 動画についてご質問等がある場合はツイッターまでお願いします。 Lyrics: ねぇアナタには見えない事ばかり アタシは見えている事を知らないの? 背中につけられた誰かのキスの跡 一人じゃ買う訳の無いそれも 見て見ぬフリなだけ You know, there are so many sides to you that I can’t see. Don’t you know I’m right here? Someone’s kiss marks are left on your back. It’s not something you could manage on your own. But even so, I’ll just pretend I never saw it. 笑っちまう程にキュートなカノジョ 常時奔放 狂気 短気 怒鳴ってたって目が合って一撃 洗脳完了 女上手         愛していんのさ 強く愛していんのさ A girl so cute you could laugh, forever wild, insane, and short of temper. Even if you yell at her in anger, your eyes meet, and in one blow, your brainwashing is complete. She’s a skilled woman. You can love me, alright? You can love me deeply. ねぇ精神から全身まで 表面から内面まで 脳天から先端まで 知りたいの それから 最近聞いた音楽から 散財した総額まで 完全把握しないと気が済まないの Come on, I want to know everything, from your mind to your body, from your exterior to your interior, from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes. And then, if I don’t have a complete grasp of everything from what music you’ve listened to lately to how much money you’ve splurged, I won’t be satisfied. とやかく言ったって実際の問題は その眼中アタシ何割くらい担ってるか 嗚呼隠してないで確信を頂戴 されど黙して語らず You complain about all sorts of things, but is the real problem the sheer amount of your attention I’m shouldering? Oh, don’t hide it! Gimme some assurance. That said, be silent, and do it without saying a word. 困っちまう程にキュートなカノジョ 容姿端麗 耽美 甘美 身勝手だって泣くシックな素振り 瞬時酩酊 女冥利 愛しちまうのさ されど愛しちまうのさ A girl so cute it vexes you, with a figure that’s graceful, gorgeous, and sweet. She’s got a sick tendency to cry when it suits her. In the blink of an eye, she’s drunk—the joys of being a woman. But still, you’ll love me. Despite it all, you won’t be able to help loving me. 過去を喰らう程にポップなエレジー 排気口から香るラーメン 騙し奪われる恋でもいいの だってこの声は An elegy with so much pop it’s a blast from the past,¹ the scent of ramen wafts from an exhaust port. It doesn’t matter if we’re cheated and robbed of this love. After all, my voice— 笑っちまう程にキュートなカノジョ 常時奔放 狂気 短気 怒鳴ってたって目が合って一撃 洗脳完了 女上手 困っちまう程にキュートなカノジョ 容姿端麗 耽美 甘美 身勝手だって泣くシックな素振り 瞬時酩酊 女冥利 愛していんのさ 強く愛していんのさ A girl so cute you could laugh, forever wild, insane, and short of temper. Even if you yell at her in anger, your eyes meet, and in one blow, your brainwashing is complete. She’s a skilled woman. A girl so cute it vexes you, with a figure that’s graceful, gorgeous, and sweet. She’s got a sick tendency to cry when it suits her. In the blink of an eye, she’s drunk—the joys of being a woman. You can love me, alright? You can love me deeply. ————————————————————— Translation Notes: * It may be worth noting that the word カノジョ in the title is both the pronoun “she/her” and the noun “girlfriend.” In the context of the song, it looked like “she/her” was the intended definition (キュートなカノジョ is more literally “she who is cute” in English, but that’s not very natural, henc
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