Ex Mumford & Sons guitarist Winston Marshall joins Piers Morgan as a transformed man. He left the band in 2021 after lauding a book that criticised Antifa, and has since become a podcaster, a Spectator contributor and debated former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just this past month. The rowdy debate gained traction online for Marshall’s fiery criticism of the politician that at some points, seemed to leave her speechless. Piers and Winston talk about his time in the band, and also what’s next for the self-described ‘culture warrior’.
00:00 - Introduction
00:35 - The subject of populism
...2:25 - A life in politics beckoning?
03:30 - Nancy Pelosi’s hypocrisy
05:30 - The Jan 6th insurrection
09:28 - “The establishment is out to get Trump”
10:00 - The line between healthy populism and unhealthy populism
14:10 - Pelosi’s 3 G’s
14:50 - Leaving Mumford & Sons
16:55 - Universities in America
17:10 - Free speech on campuses in America
18:16 - Does Winston miss music?
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